Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Brydone to Invercargill; Rest Day.

Apologies for the lack of an update last night (and today's novel!)... The computer I was working on froze and I lost my work!!!!
There is a pretty good chance that 3 News will have footage of me finishing my 70 day walk, at Stirling point tomorrow on the 6pm news.
Also, I apparently featured on "Te Karare" the Maori current events tv programme, recently. I will endevour to track down that footage upon my return to wellington.
Jim and I picked up my Dad from his hotel just before 730am this morning. The three of us drove out to Brydone (where I finished walking yesterday), to begin this mornings walk.
Jim and I managed to cover 20km by 1030am (ish). We were met by Jim's wife, Jan, and my friends, Jessie & Haley. Paul slept in AGAIN, (and got lost on the way to meeting us....), so he and Ange joined us just after 11.
Lynne, Renee, and Tarryn joined us for a 15 minute walk, also.
Haley and Jessie also joined Jim and I (Jessie in jandels!!!). The 4 of us eventually walked into Woodlands, where we stopped for lunch at the pub. Gus Dermody (his son, Clarke, was an All Black), greeted us, and allowed us to eat our bakery lunch at the bar - Thanks to Jan for picking up and delivering our lunch!!! Upon hearing about what I was doing, Gus then gave me a cheque - Thanks Gus!! I also met Gus' Friend, David, and his wife. David pastors one of the churches in Invercargill. We had a great chat, and I eventually convinced him to walk a few km with me on Friday (after he agreed, he told me he had just had heart surgery!!!).
We left the pub, and continued walking. Rachel joined us about 15km out of Invercargill. The 5 of us enjoyed playing "Sweet & Sour", "Guess the Road Kill" (Which, after many days of practice, I convincingly won), and encouraging trucks to use their air horns - all games I cant play on my own...
10km out of Invercargill, Tony and the team from LJ Hooker met us and walked the remainig distance (as did Dad). We arrived at the Hooker office to an awesome reception. Nana & Grandad also turned up (something they have been doing quite often lately...)
Jessie, Haley and myself all went back to Jim and Jan's place to relax before going out to dinner with Laurie, Lynne, Tarryn, Dion, Ange, Jim and Jan. Thanks for dinner guys, and good try Jim (wine).
After dinner, we went back to Jim and Jan's and looked at some photo albums, and watched a few picture dvd's. The pictures of their son's lung transplant were a bit tough to watch, but then we saw pics of Jan's birthady - we all thgought it was funny hearing Jan from the kitchen once she knew what we were up to.. "Oh for goodness sake!!".
Time for bed...
Day 69: Rest Day.
Thunder and lightning down here!!!
Jim and Jan have lent me their truck to use for the day (SCORE!!!).
Jessie, Haley, Ange, Dad, Paul and myself all drove to Bluff to check out the route I will walk tomorrow. We also went up Bluff hill for a look, however, as the weather is SO miserable at the moment, we couldn't see a thing!! Dad was born in Bluff and lived there for over a decade (How??!), so we did a tour and checked out all the places he lived etc.
We drove back into Invercargill. After yesterday's experience, Jessie decided to buy some walking shoes! On our way to lunch, I came across Tony & John from LJ Hooker, doing a bucket collection (on my behalf - I had asked to come along to help out, but Tony said I should enjoy my rest day, and that I have - Thanks Tony!!). The rain was absolutley pouring, so good effort guys, much appreciated!!!
After lunch, the ATRA girls (Jessie, Haley, myslef) decided to go for a bit of a drive to explore the area. We made it out to Dipton. We are just at the hotel where my Dad and Paul are staying, using their internet and drinking at the bar. I am just about to pick up my friend Cam from the airport, and head back to Jim & Jan's for a lovely home cooked dinner (no pressure Jan!!). Not too much else planned for the eveinig - I would like to say I am having an early night, but I doubt very much that that will transpire!!

Starting tomorrow at 745am outside the LJ Hooker Office, Invercargill. People are most welcome to join me for the 30km sprint to Stirling Point, Bluff. We will be finished by 2pm - Bring a rain jacket... (And walking shoes, Jessie!!!).
Thanks once again to everyone for the support - this time tomorrow, it will all be over, after 70 days!! I will update again tomorrow, and will publish a summing up blog over the next few days - Be sure to keep an eye out for the book I am writing about the walk, I promise it will be a million times better than these blog updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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